

Discover Luxury in the Heart of Lekki Phase 1

Secure a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment with a BQ for a down payment of N20 million with our Camberwall Advantage 5 / 5 Annex

Interested? Kindly fill the form to get offer and learn more

    The Camberwall Advantage 5 Annex is an elegant extension of Camberwall Advantage 5, offering a selection of deluxe 2 Bedroom Apartments and 3 Bedroom Penthouses, all featuring a spacious BQ (Boys' Quarters). This project is strategically located off Freedom Way, Lekki Phase 1, in close proximity to Camberwall Advantage 5, making it a prime destination for discerning individuals seeking the epitome of sophistication.

    Experience the Camberwall Advantage

    The Neighbourhood

    Interested? Kindly fill the form to get offer and learn more

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